Inside Argo’s – Annie

Who is Annie? How would you describe yourself in one sentence?

Wonderfully weird, happy hippie, lover of the strange and unusual, resident clean freak, creator, and friend of animals, plants, & insects.

Your position:

Repair Manager

Why Argo’s?

The people! I’m free to be myself while surrounded by my completely delightful bunch of coworkers who ~get~ me. Our staff is wonderful.

Favorite part of the job?

Cleaning the jewelry (gimme the grime!) or seeing the before and after on jewelry repairs

When you aren’t at Argo’s?

Kitty cuddling with my 3 floof babies, crafting my own jewelry to sell, at church activities, or gardening my teeny heart out.

How do you sparkle?

If it’s not my nails, it’s my eye shadow, probably.

Favorite A+L piece?

I love a good –VINTAGE- statement piece! The gemstone color and elongated shape are so refreshing.

Local Hot spot?

Studio 35! Movie theater & bar with themed cocktails and pizza? I’m in.